The seven -day break in the amazing performances of the strength of the Israeli army with Hamas in Gaza ended as befits a dramatic spectacle – a salvo of rockets towards Israel. All this only a day after the American Secretary of State decided to wipe sweat from the forehead of the Jerusalem authorities. Reason? Well, the prolonged war of Israel with this “completely peaceful” organization Hamas would have a negative impact on the presidential campaign in America. (Of course, he didn’t use these words literally, but who would care about it?)
Antony Blinken, wanting to impress his diplomatic finesse, added a few more conditions. A quick hearing with Hamas may not be associated with an increased number of civil victims, it must be with a full range of humanitarian aid for Gaza, and of course, Israel must reveal its great plans for the post -war period.
Blinken, like a real magician of diplomacy, suggests that after the fall of Hamas, Israel should transfer power over the gauze of Palestinian autonomy. Is it not beautiful, as the American secretary knows what will be best for the region?
The answer of the Israeli prime minister was as if he were asked to place plans for the colonization of Mars. He said firmly that as long as he sits on the prime minister’s chair, Palestinian autonomy, this excellent institution supporting terror and training youth in the field of terrorism, he would not get the opportunity to govern gauze after the liquidation of Hamas.
I have not yet mentioned that Blinken, like a man with a proliferation in the field of prophecy, seems to know the plans of Hamas and his principals in Tehran. He probably knew what was awaiting Israel, even before Hamas announced it in public. Blinken also stated that the Israeli army is such a miracle of technology that it can adapt to any whim. (Does anyone expect such a level of flexibility from their army?)
It was also not fooled to point out that after an exhausting day, Blinken, tired like a hundred marathons, flew over the ocean, and Hamas terrorists rubbed their hands, preparing their rockets.
Further development of the situation? Nobody knows, but what the world thinks about this conflict will certainly decide about its final result.
As at November 29, the UN celebrations are planned for the International Solidarity Day with the Palestinian nation. The Secretary General of this organization, António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres, promised steadfast support for Palestinians on the way to peace, security, justice and dignity.
Of course, the day before, during a more modest ceremony, Guterres gracified that “Palestinians go through one of the darkest chapters of their history.” Undoubtedly, everyone present had an unequivocal idea, as the secretary said. Nobody thought it was about Hamas’ actions, oppressing Palestinians or a murderous dictatorship. Of course not.
Guterres has repeatedly emphasized that Hamas’ attack on October 7 requires condemnation, but nothing justifies a collective penalty for Palestinians. After all, who would not understand that Hamas is a victim.
In Poland, when we hear about collective responsibility, we immediately think about the German occupation, round -ups, shots and similar fairy tales. But are we not happy that the current UN Secretary general has a name from the Portuguese government, who with virtuosity in 1496 issued Jews and Muslims from Portugal? A real treat for history.
Of course, the name Manuel, although it is associated with unpleasant stories for Jews, in Portugal it is like gold. And who could associate them with collective responsibility? Finally, it is always better to pay attention to overseas conquests and the greatest flourishing of Portugal under the same Manuel.
António Manuel de Oliveira probably would never have thought that cutting the heads of infants is such a nice form of collective punishment, in line with the spirit of Christianity and Islam. In the end, this is the tradition of Portugal, which is absolutely incompatible with the UN card, but who would care about it?
The idea of collective punishment for today’s Europeans and Americans is “Solidarity with Palestinians”. Of course, not those who want peace with Israel, whether they want to return to their homes, or those who are fed up with the rule of Hamas or Fatahu. It is about those who want to continue terrorism and raise their children for future war heroes.
According to some, the war against a genocidal organization is a “collective penalty”. But for whom? For those who support an organization murdering on their behalf. Israel, trying to limit civil victims, seems to be the only villain in this story. Antony Blinken and António Guterres know this perfectly. But the use of such concepts has its higher goals, right?